2 epub Reader For Windows

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    Ever since the first Kindle came out in 2007, ebooks are gaining popularities in all ages. Reading books without a paper is becoming a trend. There are few formats for ebook depending on the type of device you are reading on, and of course the most popular ebook format is no doubt the epub format, short for electronic publication. It was set to be a free open stander for all digital media publication. Most ebook readers support this format except the Kindle (which need to convert from mobi to epub).
    We got a list of amazing epub readers for Windows 7 that would like to share with you. We will be using the same programming book for each software and see how it looks differently in different epub readers.

     1. Adobe Digital Editions

     From Adobe, a free download software that can read DRM free epub format. Over the Adobe Digital Editions have the best experience in all of the software that we’ve tested. It renders and formats the text correctly and clearly. Supports multiple bookmarks, a very well designed library management

     2. Sony Reader

     Designed specially for Sony Reader devices, the software for Windows 7 not only enables you to read it on your computer it also provide the bridge to sync between your device. The text and syntax highlight is almost as good as the one we saw in Adobe Digital Editions. Another highly recommended tool to read epub format.

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